Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pages 30 & 31

Page 30 - Hand be damned!

I spent my day nursing this thing back to health. The regimen went like this; pop some Benadryl, stick hand in bowl of ice for as long as possible, cast hand in baking soda paste for as long as possible, stick hand in bowl of ice for as long as possible, cast hand in baking soda paste for as long as possible, pop some Benadryl, lather, rinse, repeat.

Page 31 - insert Stephen Tyler screeching, "I'm baaaaaack! I'm baaack in the saddle aga-ey-ain! I'm baaaaaack!"

Yes! The bee only kept me down for two days! I did it!! Take that you little yellow and black mutha sucka!

Got us up and out the door, ready to roll. I still had a bit of a Benadryl hangover, my hand wasn't 100% and I received my regularly scheduled serving of egg drop soup, if you know what I mean, but I was there!!! I was at Stroller Strides with my girls! Hell yeah! Unbeknownst to me, it was our Olympic event class. Super fun!!! We all had a blast competing and working our ashes off. I was on the green team, which we decided would represent Jamaica. With me were Barb and Erin. Great girls! The first competition was Synchronized Fitness - we had to make up a three minute routine using certain specified elements, i.e. squats, soldier kicks, push ups, lunges, and other some suches. We Jamaicans went for creativity points while the French kind of kicked us all in the tukus with difficulty points. From there we did relays and some other crazy races. It was so much fun and a really great workout. Everything was covered. Everything got worked and everyone laughed. The Jamaicans took the silver in  most of the team competitions. Sweet! After all that we went for individual golds. Hundred yard dash, plank off and a squat off. I brought home sweet victory in the squat off!!!120 in two minutes!!! Ok, let me be a little honest here... while I'm proud of this right now, by the end of the two minutes I thought I was going to have a brain aneurysm. What the hell was I thinking? I had to tell myself at one point, "Shauna, this isn't a real gold medal. Slow down, turbo!" I don't know what gets into me... the back of my head was on fire, I got dizzy, thought I was gonna puke... sheesh. I am such a doofus when it comes to competing.

But I gotta admit... It was kinda fun wearing the little plastic medal.... yeah, I'm a dork.

Trying to remember the food stuff... breakfast... :o/  coffee and I think that's it...
lunch was a sans hate chicken and berry salad from Wendy's (yes, this is a statement I am making here)
dinner was some jambalaya. I don't recall a snack. I was a tad busy and running around.
Water all day, but 2% milk with dinner.

All I know, is that I went right over the bump in my road. I did not let it stop me or take me down. Sometimes when I'm running I want to give up. I have to fight for every foot pound on the pavement. During those moments I say to myself, "Don't quit. Just don't quit" and it keeps me going. It's easy to quit. It's hard to keep going. But when I do, when I hear the little voice on my Nike ap say, "Congratulations! You reached your goal!" it's worth every moment of pain and frustration. I know that on my birthday this year, I will hear those words in a bigger way and it will feel great! It will be worth every moment of pain and frustration. So, don't quit. Just don't quit.

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