Friday, January 22, 2016


So it's two weeks past surgery and I feel pretty darned good. Today I actually feel anxious to start doing again. I'm starting small, been walking a bit and going outside everyday, but I mean more than that kind of doing. I mean the actual living part of it. I have a Craftsy class all lined up and I'm going to really start learning about photography. I want to take this happy hobby and do something with it. Even if it is only making really cool shit for my home and friends.

But before I do that, I need to go back and post pics from last year's grand adventures. This batch is from our first day in San Diego. Pax's first time to see the sea, to experience the smells, tastes, sounds and textures of a beach. He ran towards the crashing waves with complete abandon!! It was as if he were made from the salty waters and was returning home. To say he loved it, is an understatement.

The sun had just set at Imperial beach when we arrived. After getting thoroughly baptized in the ocean, we strolled the pier and ate street tacos. San Diego welcomed us in grand style.

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