Thursday, August 1, 2019

Our Annual Pilgrimage to Ballinger Cove

We just returned from our annual pilgrimage to our favorite place. A place we have lovingly renamed Ballinger Cove. It's where we have our end of summer decompress and family bond before the insanity of a new school year begins.

The trip started off with a bang! By the luck of the Campish, we were treated to a late night double meteor shower! We stayed up as late as we could to wacth the show in the sky, but petered out before it really got going. However, we saw some super groovy shooting stars and flashes and even satellites streaming across the moonless night.

Of course we canoed around "Ballinger Cove" and caught many a minnow and tiny crawdad. One of our evening paddles got us sort of near a beautiful great blue herron, and we absolutely loved our favorite tradition of listeing to the sandhill cranes usher in the sunset with their incredible song.

This year we spent a little less time at our campsite and a little more time adventuring in other areas. We tried our hand at fly fishing in a top secret spot and took an amazing hike up Fish Creek Falls followed by a soak in the hot springs and some major burger action at The Backdoor Grill. Let me tell ya, the "How Ya Doin" is ridiculously yummy!!!

Mom and dad had some fun and let Pax do a few little "rite of passage" things - things like hanging his head out the car window trying to catch the wind in his hands and then driving the car on his dad's lap!! He LOVED both!  C'mon, who didn't do that as a kid? What can I say, it's a 70's kind of summer around here.

Needless to say we had yet another magical time at Ballinger Cove. Till next year, little lake... aaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

*These are the pics from one camera. I will upload others soon.

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