Pax has been deciding what he wants to be for Halloween since he chose to be a spider at age 2. He's generally gone for some pretty awesome old school type costumes - spider, bat, ghost, Frankenstein. They've all been adorable and relatively easy to create.
This year, my little future zoologist decided he wated to be a pangolin. No, not a penguin, a pangolin. They are a super adorable little endangered species found in Asia nd Africa. They are the only animal that can roll itself up entirely into a ball - no exposed skin or vulnerabilities. They're endagered because their habitat is dwindling. They're sweet, gentle little things with their own brand of charm and cute and the little critters have enamored my guy so, he wanted to be one for all Hallow's Eve.
As you can imagine, there are no pangolin costumes on the market. With the assitance of a good seam ripper and way too much hot glue (and finger blisters) We present to you....
Our Roly Poly Pangolin!!!!
For more reference on these special animals check out the book Roly Poly Pangolin and the Wild Kratt episode Pangolin Rescue. If you want to help them, please visit here
Stay happy!!
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